Borris Boschman

Associate Director / Sustainability Team Lead / Sydney

e: [email protected]
p: +61 2 8203 5447
m: +61 403 252 407

“Radical collaboration is key to developing the most innovative and relevant solutions in our rapidly changing environment.”

Borris’ extensive experience in sustainability in the built environment has been developed across the Netherlands and Australia. Trained as an architect and building engineer and having worked in business strategy, engineering consultancy and project management, Borris has developed a deep understanding of interdisciplinary design challenges in property development.

Borris focuses on helping our clients define aspirational strategies for sustainable transition and climate-adaptive and future-proof development. His ability to visualise complex ideas in a clear and simple way, combined with a broad perspective and lateral thinking, provides a point of difference for our clients looking to strengthen their ESG solutions.

Through radical collaboration between disciplines, Borris is able to uncover solutions that create the most positive impact for a project throughout its lifecycle, both on the building and portfolio level.

Borris is continually looking for innovative ways to improve sustainable building design from both an upfront and operational perspective whilst providing a fresh perspective on the transition towards buildings with a positive environmental impact.

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