Culture + Places

Kuraby Mosque Redevelopment

Culture + Places

Kuraby Mosque Redevelopment


Kuraby, Qld


Islamic Charitable Organisation Pty Ltd


Arqus Design


Mechanical, Electrical, Information + Communication Technology (ICT), Vertical Transportation

To ease overcrowding and provide the Muslim community living in the surrounding suburbs of Kuraby, better amenities and an improved place of worship, the redevelopment of the existing Kuraby Mosque is underway.

The Kuraby Mosque redevelopment will see the construction of a new 2-storey building which will adjoin the existing mosque via a covered walkway over the courtyard.  There will be a tranquil courtyard that will create a safe, secure and social environment for the young and an expanded women’s area with a dedicated space for mothers and children.

The carpark will be expanded to service the mosque and its worshippers. In addition, increased covered space for prayers will be provided, and a new elevator will allow for easier access for the elderly and less mobile community members.

The redevelopment will see more functional classrooms and an outdoor education space that will accommodate the growing religious study and classes operating from the Masjid.

To learn more about the project get in touch:

Brisbane Co-Lead / Director / QLD Culture + Places Sector Lead

Michael Bourke

P: +61 7 3088 4022
M: +61 433 792 973
E: [email protected]

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